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  • acleveland 8:41 pm on September 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    wake. up. 

    Listen to this freaking song. I’m not kidding. PLEASE.

    I have so much to say. But then I remember, oh yeah! anyone can read this.

  • acleveland 3:50 pm on September 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply  


    Last night I went to take care of Frodo, the gigantic labradoodle down the street. It was late at night and the stars were suspended in the dark sky, like holes of light in black velvet. The family has a pool and a diving board. In my hoodie and sweatpants, I laid down on my back and stared upwards. It was the same sky that you were under last night. The same stars were interconnecting all of us like a web.  
    I felt small and insignificant and in awe. At school, to feel insignificant and microscopic isn’t the best feeling. But that’s because we’re talking about a different scale.
    When I go to school, the only thing to compare myself to is other kids. He’s smarter, she’s nicer, she’s more outgoing, she’s got this and that. The scale is not ME vs. UNIVERSE, it’s ME vs THEM. Because I am on the same level as people (as opposed to nature), it’s easier to feel inferior in a negative way, instead of in a way that brings appreciation. “I should be able to be like that. Why am I not like that?”
    With nature, I never stop and ask “Why can’t I be as tall as that tree? Why can’t I shine as brightly as the sun?”
    Ya see? It’s a different scale. Two different things. Yet one is so much better than the other.
    I am a bag of chemicals and bones and muscle and tissue…compared to miles and layers of air, stars, and space. As I thought about this last night, I felt small, but good. I felt small, but protected. I felt small, but instead of leaving me empty, it filled me up with wonder and adoration. Seeing that there was something so much bigger than me put things in perspective. Parts of my life that I consider monumental are minute details in the grand scheme of things. If you ever want to be put in your place, look up at the stars.

    New favorite song: Sleepers – Wavorly

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